Now with the trend that we have seen that people are hungry more for the word. We have seen that our churches can longer cater for the growing numbers of people that are coming.

Pastor Alex Kanjongo

I am Pst  Mathias Alex Kanjongo the senior of Temboni,  was a student of world harvest institute Suva, Fiji in 2010 and 2017, would like to present to you briefly about what is happening in our church so far

CMFI Temboni is located in the outskirts of the city of dar es salaam. The church started in 2000 with only a few families in a small building, but now we have a church building that can cater for 300 people.

Out of our church we have 3 churches being birthed and being planted i.e CMFI King’azi, CMFI Malamba mawili, CMFI Songea

Now with the trend that we have seen that people are hungry more for the word. We have seen that our churches can longer cater for the growing numbers of people that are coming.

So far, we are slowly working on the extension of the church building so that at least it can cater for more than a thousand people.

We have started with building posts in which 12 posts are needed and so far, we have done 7 posts in which 1 posts cost around 300,000Tsh ($150USD) – 350,000 (175,000USD)

Our current plan is to build a double story building in which we are taking a step of faith to try to achieve it.

On that note we do humbly requesting support and assistance I extending the building of our church here in Temboni and supporting the work of the kingdom of God.

For further details do not hesitate to contact me and hoping that we can work together for the lost soul to come to the kingdom of God.

Vinaka vakalevu, Asante sana and Thank you very much.


PST Matthias Alex Kanjongo

CMFI Temboni,

